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Why LitElement Over Angular

Posted by Stephen Wrighton on 31 May 2023

Overview of LitElement and Angular

LitElement and Angular are both popular frameworks used for web development, but they have different approaches and features. This section provides a brief overview of both frameworks.

LitElement is a lightweight base class for creating fast, efficient web components. It is part of the open-source Polymer project and follows the Web Component standard. LitElement focuses on simplicity, reusability, and performance. It provides a declarative syntax and a reactive data system, making it easier to build web components that are easy to understand and maintain.

Angular, on the other hand, is a full-fledged JavaScript framework developed by Google. It offers a comprehensive set of features and tools for building complex web applications. Angular follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern and provides a powerful and opinionated structure for application development. It includes features like dependency injection, component-based architecture, and two-way data binding.

Performance and Efficiency

When it comes to performance and efficiency, LitElement has an edge over Angular. LitElement’s lightweight nature allows for faster rendering and smaller bundle sizes. LitElement leverages the power of modern browser APIs and native JavaScript features, resulting in optimized performance. Additionally, LitElement’s reactive data system ensures efficient updates to the DOM, minimizing unnecessary re-renders.

Angular, being a full-fledged framework, comes with a larger footprint and more complex rendering process. While Angular provides various performance optimization techniques, it requires additional configuration and careful implementation to achieve optimal performance. In scenarios where performance is a critical factor, LitElement’s lightweight nature and simplicity make it a compelling choice.

Size and Footprint

One significant advantage of LitElement over Angular is its smaller size and footprint. LitElement focuses on providing only the essential features needed for building web components, resulting in a smaller bundle size. This smaller size leads to faster load times and improved overall performance.

On the other hand, Angular includes a wide range of features, tools, and dependencies, which contribute to a larger bundle size. This larger size may not be a concern for larger applications with complex requirements, but for smaller projects or performance-critical scenarios, LitElement’s smaller footprint can make a noticeable difference.

Learning Curve

The learning curve is an important consideration when choosing a framework. LitElement has a relatively low learning curve compared to Angular. Its simplicity and minimalistic approach make it easier for developers to get started quickly. LitElement builds upon standard web technologies like JavaScript and HTML, making it accessible to developers familiar with these languages.

Angular, being a comprehensive framework, has a steeper learning curve. It introduces various concepts and abstractions, such as modules, decorators, and dependency injection, which may require more time and effort to grasp. Developers new to Angular might need to invest more time in understanding its conventions and best practices.

Flexibility and Customization

LitElement shines when it comes to flexibility and customization. It allows developers to create reusable, encapsulated web components that can be easily composed and extended. LitElement’s declarative syntax and reactive data system make it straightforward to build components with complex logic and dynamic behavior.

Angular, being a full-fledged framework, provides a higher level of abstraction and structure. It follows a component-based architecture that promotes reusability and modularity. However, the strict conventions and patterns enforced by Angular can limit flexibility in certain scenarios. Customizing and extending Angular’s core functionality often requires adhering to its guidelines and architectural principles.

Community and Support

The community and support around a framework are vital factors for its long-term viability. In this aspect, Angular has a significant advantage. Angular has a large and active community, backed by Google’s support. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources available, making it easier to find solutions to common problems and stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

LitElement, being a part of the Polymer project, has a smaller community compared to Angular. However, it is still growing steadily, and the community is passionate about web components and their benefits. While the community size may be smaller, LitElement’s simplicity and interoperability with other frameworks make it an attractive choice for certain use cases.

Tooling and Ecosystem

Both LitElement and Angular provide a robust set of tools and development ecosystem. Angular, being a mature framework, has a comprehensive set of tools for development, testing, and debugging. It offers a command-line interface (CLI) for generating components, services, and other artifacts, making development more efficient. The Angular ecosystem includes libraries, frameworks, and tools specifically designed for Angular development.

LitElement, being a lightweight library, has a simpler tooling setup. It can be integrated easily into existing build systems and workflows. While LitElement does not have a dedicated CLI or an extensive ecosystem like Angular, it leverages the power of modern JavaScript tooling and bundlers. It can work seamlessly with popular frameworks like React and Vue, allowing developers to mix and match technologies based on their needs.

Integration with Other Frameworks

One of the advantages of LitElement is its interoperability with other frameworks. LitElement can be easily used alongside existing projects built with React, Vue, or Angular. This flexibility enables developers to incrementally adopt web components and leverage their benefits without rewriting their entire codebase.

Angular, on the other hand, is a complete framework and requires a dedicated migration effort to integrate it with existing projects. While Angular provides tools and guidelines for migrating from other frameworks, the process can be more involved compared to using LitElement alongside other frameworks.

Browser Compatibility

When it comes to browser compatibility, both LitElement and Angular provide excellent support for modern browsers. LitElement leverages the native capabilities of modern browsers and includes polyfills for older browsers to ensure broad compatibility.

Angular also supports modern browsers and provides polyfills for older versions. However, due to its larger footprint and complex rendering process, Angular might have slightly higher requirements in terms of browser versions and performance capabilities.


LitElement and Angular are both powerful frameworks for web development, each with its strengths and areas of focus. LitElement shines in its simplicity, lightweight nature, and flexibility, making it an excellent choice for building efficient and reusable web components. Angular, on the other hand, offers a comprehensive framework with a rich ecosystem, making it suitable for large-scale applications with complex requirements.

When choosing between LitElement and Angular, consider factors such as project size, performance requirements, learning curve, and community support. Evaluate your specific needs and weigh the advantages and trade-offs of each framework. Ultimately, the choice depends on your project’s unique requirements and your development team’s expertise.

Remember to stay updated with the latest developments and trends in the web development landscape. Continuously learning and exploring new frameworks and libraries will ensure you make informed decisions and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of web development.

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